Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"I Have to Spend 10 Hours in a Mosque"
9 Words No Parent Wants to Hear When They Drop Their Kid off at College

By Kristen Collier
Lutheran Church Secretary
Scripture and Luther reader on Confronting the Devil podcast
Join Confronting the Devil on Facebook

"I have to spend 10 hours in a mosque," our son told us yesterday.

We just dropped him off at college a week ago. Most parents wonder if their kid is gonna' go nuts when they have complete freedom. Will they still go to church? Will they get in with the partying crowd? Having to spend 10 hours in a mosque was not on my list of things I was concerned about for our son.

Stuck in an elevator 1 1/2 hours
He'd had a "crazy, amazing" first week: 

"The amazing life of Jarod," my mom posted, when he said being stuck in an elevator for 1 1/2 hours just helped him get to know his new friends better.

You kinda' don't worry about someone who earns Student of the Year for Business/Entrepreneurship, because he took 11 business classes and didn't miss a day of high school. 

Business/Entrepreneurship Student of the Year
Who two different teachers last year, at the beginning of his Senior year said, "his thinking is sophisticated beyond high school."

Who had Calculus 3 his first day of college yesterday, and is double majoring in Math/Statistics because he plans on being an Actuary. 

And, most important, who went to church his first week on campus with one of two new guy friends that plan on becoming a pastor. 

Who has always gotten extra protection from God, via miracles.

This mosque visit is part of some Honors' program he has to do where they have to visit other religions. He could have picked from a mosque, synagogue, or Buddhist temple. Non-Christian kids could also pick a Benedictine monastery. 

Jarod has chosen the path of a warrior. The most difficult one.

It's the option I would have chosen. I've never been more proud of my son.

Because the Holy Ghost has taught Kevin and I about spiritual warfare the past couple of years, we have no fear about this. Jarod would not have chosen this unless the Holy Ghost had called him, so He will walk with him in those doors.

We can see it now:

The unclean spirits inside are furious when they see FIERCE angels invade their territory. Then in walks Jesus. Only it's not Jesus, but a bold young man in whom He shines so brightly through that He is all they see. 

They are COWARDS before their Creator, and Jesus DOES NOT LET ANYONE NEAR HIS FAVORED BROTHER ("For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother." - Mark 3:35).

Evangelist John Ramirez had a contract with the unclean spirit over Islam before Jesus rescued him. 

In one of his videos he says that Santeria is way more powerful than Islam, because it's a spiritual religion, but that the power he felt was NOTHING compared to when the Holy Ghost entered him.

Kevin and I are NOT afraid for Jarod because the Omnipotent GOD dwells within him. Woe to ANY unclean spirit that would dare to attack him--Jesus WILL NOT let that go unpunished.

And we know that the lost souls inside that building will see the light of Jesus. We pray they heed His call.

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In My name shall they cast out devils...." - Mark 16:17

“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." - Matthew 18:18

"'You have put all things in subjection under his feet.' For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put under him. But now we do not yet see all things put under him." - Hebrews 2:8

Thursday, August 4, 2016

France, Depression and Spiritual Warfare 
(France, la Dépression et la Guerre Spirituelle)

Below, the same post is in French, for our brothers and sisters in Christ in France.
(Au bas du poteau, le même poste est en Français, pour mes frères et sœurs dans le Christ en France.)

By Kristen Collier
Lutheran Church Secretary
Scripture and Luther reader on Confronting the Devil podcast
Join Confronting the Devil on Facebook

So I've been wondering about all the recent attacks on France this past year what is going on there?
And it made me wonder if God is moving in France, and that these attacks are the devil trying to stop  it.

Here are some tips on spiritual warfare:

1.  Martin Luther said that a Christian should be cheerful at all times, if not he is being tempted by the devil.*

2.  What do you do when tempted by the devil? “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” -  James 4:7-8a

3. How do you resist the devil? Luther said to say something like, “I'm a Christian, I belong to Jesus, you go and accuse Him,” or, “You go and take it up with Him.”

What about the “fiery darts” of Ephesians 6? Luther said they are negative thoughts:

“From Scripture it is clear that the devil sends evil thoughts into the heart of a man and holds minds captive. However, he does not know all the thoughts of the pious until they come out into the open. For Christ is too strong for him. If he does not know what is in the heart of Christ, so he cannot penetrate into the souls of the pious, where Christ dwells. He shoots terrible thoughts into the heart: hatred of God, blasphemy, and despair. These are his fiery darts (Ephesians 6:16).”

How do you handle those fiery darts? Resist them, per James 4, and draw near to God.

- Also, in I Am Not Afraid, the Reverend Dr. Robert Bennett writes that out of the 80 case studies (it was the basis for his PhD. dissertation), all possessed people were delivered simply by believers saying over the person,

“I command you to depart in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth (“and return to the Abyss from whence you came!” they sometimes add)!”

Sometimes they have to say it repeatedly, but the person was freed every time: So, “in My name you will drive out demons,” and “whatever you bind on earth,” those verses are still for us today.

- For us, who are not possessed (Dr. Bennett said believers living their life for Jesus will be oppressed every day), say the same thing when depressed, or when you wake up in the middle of the night from a bad dream, or get that scary feeling that we've all had when we wake up in the middle of the night and feel that something is there.

- The only way you're going to know if it is spiritual warfare is if you say that (“I command you to depart in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!” If it is spiritual oppression, Jesus will help you. There won’t be ANY question in your mind because it is dramatic.

*Modern theologians say that Luther attributed everything to the devil, that he was superstitious. But back in the day he was considered an exorcist, whereas today's theologians don't always know how to handle these things, which is why sometimes Christians turn to “paranormal researchers” for help since not all pastors know how to handle the increasing demonic situations. So I tend to take Luther's advice considering that he translated the entire Bible.

France, la Dépression et la Guerre Spirituelle
(J'ai utilisé Google translate parce que ça fait 30 ans que j'ai eu le français au lycée, donc ma mémoire est pas si bon. S'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir si Google mal traduit quoi que ce soit, je vérifié comme je pouvais. - Kristen)

Je me demandais à propos de toutes les attaques récentes sur la France cette année ce qui se passe là-bas?
Et il m'a fait me demander si Dieu se déplace en France, et que ces attaques sont le diable essaie de l'arrêter.

Voici quelques conseils sur la guerre spirituelle:

1. Martin Luther a dit qu'un Chrétien doit être de bonne humeur en tout temps, sinon il est tenté par le diable.*

2. Que faites-vous quand tenté par le diable? "Par conséquent soumettre à Dieu. Résistez au diable, et il fuira loin de vous. Approchez Dieu et Il approchera de vous. "- Jacques 4: 7-8a

3. Comment vous résistez au diable vous? Luther a dit de dire quelque chose comme: “Je suis Chrétien, j'appartiens à Jésus, vous allez et L'accuser," ou, "Vous allez le prendre avec Lui."

Qu'en est-il des “traits enflammés” des Ephésiens 6? Luther dit qu'ils sont des pensées négatives:

 "De l'Écriture, il est clair que le diable envoie les mauvaises pensées dans le cœur d'un homme et tient les esprits captifs. Cependant, il ne connaît pas toutes les pensées du pieux jusqu'à ce qu'ils sortent à l'air libre. Car le Christ est trop fort pour lui. S'il ne sait pas ce qui est dans le cœur du Christ, il ne peut pas pénétrer dans les âmes des pieux, où le Christ habite. Il tire de terribles pensées dans le cœur: la haine de Dieu, le blasphème, et le désespoir. Ce sont ses traits enflammés (Ephésiens 6:16). "

Comment gérez-vous ces traits enflammés? Résistez eux, par James 4, et se rapprocher de Dieu.

- En outre, dans I Am Not Afraid, le Révérend Dr. Robert Bennett écrit que sur des études de cas 80 (il était à la base de sa thèse de doctorat.), tous possédaient les gens ont été livrés simplement par les croyants en disant sur la personne,

"Je vous ordonne de départ au nom de Jésus-Christ de Nazareth ("et revenir à l'Abîme d'où vous venez!” ils ajoutent parfois)!"

Parfois, ils doivent le dire à plusieurs reprises, mais la personne a été libéré à chaque fois. Ainsi, "en Mon nom, vous chassez les démons” et “tout ce que vous lierez sur la terre,” ces versets sont encore pour nous aujourd'hui.

- Pour nous, qui ne sont pas possédé (Dr. Bennett dit croyants vivant de leur vie pour Jésus seront opprimés tous les jours), dit la même chose quand déprimé, ou quand vous vous réveillez au milieu de la nuit d'un mauvais rêve, ou obtenir ce sentiment effrayant que nous avons tous eu quand nous nous réveillons dans le milieu de la nuit et le sentiment que quelque chose est là.

- La seule façon que vous allez savoir si elle est une guerre spirituelle est si vous dites que (“Je vous ordonne de départ au nom de Jésus-Christ de Nazareth!"). Si elle est oppression spirituelle, Jésus vous aider Il a gagné. 't être question dans votre esprit parce qu'il est dramatique.

* Les théologiens modernes disent que Luther attribuait tout au diable, qu'il était superstitieux. Mais à l'époque il était considéré comme un exorciste, alors que les théologiens d'aujourd'hui ne savent pas toujours comment gérer ces choses, ce qui explique pourquoi parfois les Chrétiens se tournent vers des “chercheurs paranormaux” de l'aide puisque tous les pasteurs savent pas comment gérer les situations démoniaques croissantes. Donc, je tendance à prendre les conseils de Luther considérant qu'il a traduit la Bible entière.