Friday, July 29, 2016

The Preachers: Pastor Orrick Quick addresses "Expectations vs. Reality"

Pastor Orrick Quick delivers his message "Expectations vs. Reality" on The Preachers as Pastors Bryant, Smith and Gray look on.
On July 28 Pastor Orrick Quick stepped up to the podium again on the new Fox TV daytime program The Preachers and delivered a message titled “Expectations vs. Reality.” I had enjoyed this story before, as Pastor Quick had touched on this in an interview I conducted with him for my Confronting the Devil podcast.

Pastor Quick has had plenty of life experiences confronting the Devil. But, the nasty reality of life that takes a bowl full of cherries and reduces them to pits hasn’t defeated Orrick. He would be the first one to tell you that God left you with the pits because they are the seeds to plant an orchard.

Pastor Quick, in his message, reflected on a time early in his life when others around him had new homes, cars, clothing all because they were selling drugs. With drugs in hand, he telephoned everyone he knew to make a sale, but no one picked up. Except God, that is.

Pastor Quick announced in his 90 second message the valuable lesson he learned that day.

“Never exchange your future expectations for your present situation,” Pastor Quick said, to the roaring approving of a studio audience. “I am grateful God kept me from falling.”

You can hear more of this story via a video the Pastor made several months back on the Orrick Quick YouTube Channel. It’s one of many personal life testimonies of God’s saving grace.

“By Christ Jesus … you serve a God that can turn things around,” Pastor Quick passionately cried out, pointing to the camera and studio audience, as he concluded his 90 seconds.

Pastor Orrick Quick
The “reality” of Pastor Quick’s message, “Expectations vs. Reality,” is that the ultimate, supreme trust in God is everything. The reality is that if Orrick had found a buyer for those drugs way back when, you’d have never seen him on TV delivering this message to the broken and hurting. And, Pastor Quick knows broken and hurting — but also knows the doctor is our Lord almighty.

Years ago, I became inspired by Pastor Joel Osteen, and bought several of his books. They uplifted me, but at the same time, it didn’t fit my “reality.” One of Osteen's books I purchased was “Your Best Life Now.” However, 6 years after the release of that book, I’m still not feeling my best life yet.

I’ve matured enough spiritually to know that God molds us by forcing us to be patient. It’s our Achilles' heel. Akin to a child heading into Christmas, we learn early on we cannot bear to wait for anything. That’s why prophecy, a subject Pastor Quick addressed on his YouTube Channel, is so popular today. Folks can’t wait for anything.

When you have to have it now, and know it now, how does that figure into your spiritual education? How does having it today make you a better servant to the Lord? How do you measure your best life in the natural? Is it money? Material things? Hey, there’s a reason that you can’t take it with you when you go to Heaven — because that stuff doesn’t matter.

If Pastor Quick had written that 2010 best seller, I can imagine the title he would have put on the book would have been, “Your Best Life Tomorrow.” I doubt it would have been a bestseller next to Pastor Osteen’s book. I mean, why wait until tomorrow when you can have it now?

In fact, "reality" may be your best life won't come until next month, or next year, or even until the next decade. Maybe, it will be never. If you are totally in it for Christ, you have to reevaluate what best means. Do you really want best now? You’d best get closer to God, for that’s where life is best.

Pastor Quick knows this. He has a been a model Christian of patience. This man has had to wait, and wait, and wait, for everything that God has ever blessed him with.

Pastor Quick would be the first to tell you that God never shows up early, but he never shows up too late. He also knows, as he said in my podcast, that God can also make things happen “in one second.”

Ironically, with a name like Quick, blessings have been anything but quick for the Pastor. But reward comes to those who serve and wait.

Pastor Quick entered the lineup of The Preachers as the new kid on the block. E. Dewey Smith, John Gray and Jamal Bryant all have successful, respectable wide reaching ministries. Pastor Quick, before shooting the program, was essentially an unknown. His powerful videos on YouTube barely rarely cracked a three digit number in plays.

Pastor Quick told me during our podcast interview, that throughout his life the Devil went after his confidence level to disturb him the most. One can imagine the new kid on the block seated next to Smith, Gray and Bryant. I can even imagine Pastor Quick asking himself, “How do I belong here?” But, he’d “Quickly” have the answer — it was God.

When Pastor Quick finished his “Expectations vs. Reality” message, the pastors embraced. Orrick is newbie no more. He's one of the veteran kids on the block. But Orrick is no fool, he knows it’s not his best life now — it’s just the beginning. There's no graduation, "job well done" in this life. God doesn't hand out diplomas here, he points your nose back into the books. Spiritual homework never ends. The tougher the exams, the more God loves you.

Pastor Quick told me he doesn’t plan to retire from ministering the Gospel when he reaches old age. He said he'll stop preaching when the Lord calls him home. And when the Lord does, I see a humorous scenario play out as Pastor Quick arrives at the gates of Heaven and speaks with St. Peter.

“Name please?” St. Peter asks.

“Orrick Romaine Quick,” the pastor replies. “I have my pass with me.”

St. Peter takes the Heavenly ticket, examines it, then addresses the pastor.

“This isn’t good until tomorrow, Mr. Quick,” St. Peter explains. “I'm sorry, but you’ll have to wait outside the gate until we open at sunrise.”

Pastor Quick flinched, then struck his trademark joyful smile, and replied, “That’s OK. I’ll be right out here.” The pastor then seated himself on the cloud, leaning back against the gate, and began to sing a hymn.

St. Peter cleared his throat. “Pastor Quick?" he spoke. "Ummm, Pastor Quick?”

Orrick rose to his feet, put his face to the gate, and addressed St. Peter. “Yes sir?”

St. Peter tore the ticket into tiny pieces, opened the gate, and motioned to Pastor Quick to enter Heaven.

"Sorry," St. Peter said, with a chuckle. "I know you have a sense of humor — I was just messin' with you."

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Preachers' Pastor Orrick Quick: A bold ministry beyond 90 seconds

Jamal Bryant, John Gray and E. Dewey Smith celebrate with Pastor Orrick Quick at the conclusion of his "The Beauty of Faith" message, Friday, July 22.
The end of last week, Friday, July 22, Pastor Orrick Quick appearing on the new daytime Fox TV show The Preachers, took the podium and delivered an inspiring message titled "The Beauty of Faith." It was a moment many of us who admire Pastor Quick were waiting for!

Pastor John Gray introduced his brother in faith describing Pastor Quick as "a new, emerging, uncompromising voice in the body of Christ."

I must admit, nearing the end of the second of the program's three week run, I was concerned whether Pastor Quick would appear in the 90 second testimony, which closes out each show. With only four pastors on the show, mathematically, Pastor Quick should have stepped up to the podium twice by at least July 20.

But, I was forgetting math is God's timing, not of man.

Pastor Quick's message of Faith was a beauty, indeed. At its conclusion, his brothers in Christ, Pastors Jamal Bryant, John Gray, and E. Dewey Smith all embraced. It was a touching moment of fellowship.

I recall saying to my wife regarding Pastor Quick's moment at the podium, "This is Orrick's big chance." Then, I started to think about what I said. Chance had nothing to do with this. This was God's plan, and Orrick Quick's destiny.

Then I began thinking about how I found Pastor Quick online two months ago on YouTube and subscribed to the Orrick Quick YouTube Channel. I watched his videos religiously - no pun intended. And, I thought as I watched, "What a great teacher this guy is."

Pastor Orrick Quick delivers his message.
I started to ponder that, too, after seeing Pastor Quick step up to the podium and deliver his "The Beauty of Faith" testimony on TV. Pastor Quick is a great teacher of the Gospel, but he assumes the posture of a student, which makes him more admirable. Pastor Quick's school desk always has a test, exam or quiz laying on it. Figuratively, he's been known to carry around his homework, and sometimes even makes a video on the street while he's coming up with the answers.

Pastor Quick knows where the answers are. They all come from God almighty. The One that inspired Orrick at an early age to seek out achievement. The One that comforted him through the death of his mother in his mid-teens. He's the One who is giving Orrick all this homework, but also is the One who supplies all of the answers.

Orrick outlined his early years in an episode of my Headlines from Hell podcast, and talked about many challenges in an episode of Confronting the Devil. His presence as a co-host on The Preachers is a victory in Christ for all who love Pastor Quick. I strongly encourage everyone to subscribe to Orrick Quick's YouTube Channel, as his message is both powerful and practical. His personal videos present a ministry beyond the 90 seconds seen with "The Beauty of Faith."

The beauty of Pastor Quick's story is that a little bit of Orrick can be found in all of us. His stories of challenge mirror many of our own personal life tales. And, the challenges of life last a lifetime for those who seek God always. It's how our creator builds our character, and prepares us for greater things.

Pastor Quick keeps doing his homework, being tested, and I believe has become 'teacher's pet' in a spiritual sense. God loves us all, but I hear Orrick got a gold star sticker his last test paper titled "The Beauty of Faith."

Congrats, Pastor Quick!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Black and White and so Beautiful Together!

By Amy Mellinger 
Guest blogger
Amy Mellinger, sister of Kristen Collier, is like a real life Mary Poppins. She went to nanny school, worked as a nanny for years in New York, California, and Ohio. She was a preschool director and now dedicates her time to homeschooling her daughter. Amy is a fearless advocate for children everywhere.

Two of my precious daughters 
Black and white and so beautiful together!

A while back I was shopping with one of my dear friends that happens to be black. I didn't realize when we walked in the store she automatically gave the man behind the register her purse to hold. This is something I never have even thought about doing. She did it to avoid any hassle that she could be there to steal something. 

Please, dear Lord, I pray that when my black daughter grows up the world will be a place where she won't feel the need to do the same, just because of the color of her skin. Praying for love and peace and safety for all! 

In Jesus' name!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Did you hear? Jesus is now on Twitter! Will you 'follow' Him?

In case you missed it, Jesus has returned to Earth. With all of the news coverage on racial tension, you may have missed it. But, a few media outlets have confirmed it, and even confirmed it is Jesus. The second coming is here!

Among the few articles I found on the second coming, I was amused to read that one of the first things Jesus did when He touched down on this ball of confusion was open a Twitter account. I guess it's true; our Savior knows everything.

Anyway, being excited my Savior has returned, I found Him on Twitter and clicked 'follow.' It felt kind of strange doing that, as spiritually I have been a follower of Jesus, but now that He is physically among us, it was something tangible. And, He followed me - not is a spiritual sense, of course.

I know this may sound strange, but I'm a little uncomfortable about this. I'm not sure I want Jesus reading what I post online. So, I have cleaned up my narrative a bit. In fact, I confess it is uncomfortable for me to write this blog, because now that Jesus is on the worldwide web, He might even be reading this.

So, I must be on my best behavior.

I have noticed some folks I used to debate with concerning social issues with have followed Jesus too, and He follows them now.

They must feel uncomfortable about this, too. A few days ago some white folks I know were talking trash about packing a pistol to visit a Black Lives Matter rally. And a few black people, who a couple of days ago were saying the white cops killed in Dallas "got what they deserved," aren't talking that way now.

Suddenly, all of the drama seems to be sucked out of being on Twitter.

I mean, I love the fact that Jesus has returned, but I just wish He wasn't on Twitter. Or, maybe I wish I hadn't 'followed' Him. He's watching what I post, and I don't want Him to see anything bad, anything that is contrary to His teaching.

I am ashamed to admit, but I really hope He is not reading this blog. That same news article I read about His return said Jesus also planned to open a Facebook account. Yikes!

You know, after this, I may get off social media all together. Or, maybe Twitter and Facebook will do we sinners a favor and start blocking whatever Jesus posts. Then, we can all get back to normal.

The saddest thing is, Jesus has not returned. But He is coming. And whatever hate you have in your heart that is coming out, He's already been reading it. Cyberspace is God's space. But isn't it interesting if Jesus were on Twitter, you would be ashamed if He saw your un-Godly, un-brotherly, hateful posts.

Whether Jesus is on Twitter or not, if you 'follow' Him, you follow Him completely. We are all God's children, whether confused, hurting, or distracted by the devil. Shame on anyone who clicks 'follow' then throws the saving grace, fellowship, and love of Jesus Christ under the bus.

#JesusOnTwitter. Hashtag that.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Met the Devil on a street corner and got him to tell the truth

The other day while I was taking a walk, I ran into a disheveled character on a street corner with a bunch of placards at his feet. He was protesting something, but apparently was taking a break. Being a Christian, I decided to speak to him, as I was curious about what he was upset over.

He struck me as a bit of a loser, and he was filthy, but I tried to ignore that. Christ died for folks like this fellow, too.

Perhaps he was unemployed, and the signs were to get a job to put food on his table. Perhaps he didn't have a table, much less a home. I struck up a conversation with him and asked him what he was protesting. He said, "The signs are down there, take a look."

So, while he was stretching, as he looked rather lame, I rifled through the signs. I admit, I had to laugh, although there was nothing funny about them. It was that the combination didn't make any sense.

On one sign was written in bold letters, "I am pro-choice." But the next one I picked up read, "Protect the unborn." The other placards were equally confusing. One read "Black Lives Matter," another was "Support our Police." There were also support and hate Donald Trump signs, and another about Hillary Clinton having honesty and also being a liar.

There was a colorful placard that was about loving all people, regardless of gender identification or sexual preference, and another that said gay folks must repent or will go to hell. I was so confused I stopped going through them, and faced this broken man.

"What is going on here?" I asked with a disarming chuckle. "You are taking both sides of every issue."

He suddenly struck a devious smile, and replied, "Yeah, you could say that. Whatever moves people."

"Moves them to what?" I inquired. His response was a snicker. Then there was darkness in his eyes that compelled me to ask who he was. The answer I received was stunning.

"I am Satan. Want to join me on this corner and hold up a sign?"

I took a step back, glanced down at the signs, and said, "Only if I can pick the one." And he didn't challenge me. He simply answered, "It doesn't matter which one you pick, help yourself."

I thought, It doesn't matter? Is he kidding?

I glanced down at the signs, then declined the offer. It was clear the Devil didn't care what I stood for, he just wanted to feed the anger and hate that divide us as a people. Sure, Satan loves anything that denies the Bible as the way and the truth, but he seemed perfectly content just to foster hate.

I asked him if he was up to bargaining, and he replied, "Yes." I told him I was a disciple of Christ, and would not follow him, but I told him I would give up prayer for the rest of the day if he would just once tell the truth. Just once, mind you.

He rubbed his chin, and I could see he was distressed just pondering the offer. I taunted him by adding, "And I love to pray." He must have seen it as too tempting, because even a momentary delay in prayer is enough to excite the enemy. Then, with some reluctance, the Devil said, "Yes."

"The deal is that you do not pray the rest of the day, correct?" I agreed. "But, only for the rest of the day," I reminded him. "And all I have to do is tell the truth, just once?"

I nodded a yes.

"It's a deal."

The Devil slowly bent over and picked up a placard. He turned his back to me, raised it boldly over his filthy head, and began displaying it to cars passing by. I was about to leave, then said, "What about your end of the deal?" And he turned around and replied, "Take a look at the sign."

It read: "No Lives Matter."

And, I have to admit, it was the only time the Devil told the truth. And, that's a sign of our times.

Our nation has become godless, and we are seeing the results now when you do not live a Christ-centered, Gospel driven life. When God is the center of our lives, all placards stay on the ground. We don't need them. We stand for the living Word, and the laws of our Creator. And, our family expands and is secure, as we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

Oh, P.S. - In reality, I would never make a deal with the Devil. The deal I have going with my Father is the real deal for everyone.

When you take God away, and allow Satan to play you, expect nothing more than a hell on earth.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pray for Orrick Quick, E. D. Smith, John Gray, Jamal Bryant 

My Dear and Precious Lord, Jesus Christ! 

It is a DISGRACE when the world dismisses the men that You, the Almighty Creator, have called and ordained to preach the Gospel of Truth (John 17:17)!

When, as Martin Luther said, the world should bow before US as children of the MOST HIGH GOD (Psalm 82:6)!

My Precious, Precious Brother, You have called these, our brothers, Orrick, Jamal, Dewey, John, to be a light in Hollywood, as You once called Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, who in Babylon were named Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego (Daniel 1:7). Show the world that You are the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8), that You STILL will shut the mouths of lions (Daniel 6:22)!

Abba! Daddy! Show the WORLD that they will receive the penalty of Jezebel (II Kings 9), if they DARE harm these and all men You, Yourself, have chosen to preach on "Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (I Corinthians 2:2)!

Set before Your children an open door that no one can shut (Revelation 3:8)!

My Dear Brother, You said that You would make the followers of Satan "...come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you" (Revelation 3:9)!

Show the world Your glory, Father (Exodus 33:18)!

Reveal Your Mighty Omnipotence NOW (Exodus 15:6), to the honor of Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ!

Use The Preachers, all pastors, and all believers, for this end (II Thessalonians 1:11-12)!
FLOOD us with Your power (II Timothy 1:7) so that we are strong in You and in the power of Your might (Ephesians 6:10)!

In Jesus' name! Amen and amen!

From left: Dr. Jamal Bryant, Rev. John Gray, Rev Orrick Quick, Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Jr. Please pray for The Preachers!

Gretchen Carlson: Confronting the Devil

By Kristen Collier
Lutheran Church Secretary
Scripture and Luther reader on Confronting the Devil podcast
Join Confronting the Devil on Facebook
Listen to us on Prazor Flowing Streams

"I wish I could do more to show my support for Gretchen Carlson. All I can do is pray."

I'm writing this to counter that notion: All I can do is pray.

Please keep Gretchen in your prayers! Share this! Ask everyone you can to pray for her, that God will use this sexual harassment lawsuit to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Gretchen is a fighter, and she is a sister in the Lord.

Last year, she was kind enough to give me an article about her book for my website, and I made a video of Gretchen Carlson's favorite Bible verse:

"The Lord is my light and salvation. Who is there to fear? The Lord is my life's fortress. Who is there to be afraid of?" - Psalm 27:1

If you watch the video you'll see that she says it helps her to know that she's never really alone. Timely. She needs to know that now.

Today, at the church where I work, we prayed for her during devotions. I prayed:

"Dear Lord, please make Gretchen bolder than she has ever been before!
Use this to glorify Your Name!

Give her courage to stand up for the truth, against the wicked in authority!

Let her know beyond doubt that YOU will protect especially her children, in case there's any kind of innuendo, as powerful people will do whatever they can get away with!

Help Gretchen to speak boldly about spiritual warfare and fighting evil!

Be with her in a powerful way, so that she is fearless!

Give her Your favor in this!

Send EXTRA holy angels to protect her, her family, the families on her team, so that nothing can be used against them!

In Jesus' Name! AMEN!"

Please remember Gretchen Carlson in your prayers! She is the granddaughter of a famous Lutheran pastor, so she'll appreciate Martin Luther's words:

"Prayer is the hardest work there is.... ...only inexperienced believers think it is easy."

Pray hard!