Friday, December 2, 2016

Donald J. Trump: God's Anointed, America's Greatest President
(And I'm not even an evangelical!)

Dear President Elect Trump,
I am about as antithetical to an evangelical as a Christian can get, but I now believe the Mark Taylor prophecy: that you are God's anointed and that you will become America's greatest president. 

Coming from my academic, systematic theology oriented Christian tradition (the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod), this is a challenge to accept, but the evidence is overwhelming, and Mr. Taylor's words ring true. Lutherans are pretty much the diametric opposite of evangelicals, who, upon their founding, made a deliberate move away from scholarship toward "spirituality," ie., emotion. Sadly, a recent survey found that today's evangelicals are less biblicaly literate than most non-Christian Americans ("We are an embarrassment to heretics everywhere").

In comparison, I was blessed to hail from the Lutheran tradition, an extremely rigorous branch of Christendom that demands high standards in scholarship and systematic theology. My Annapolis trained Old Testament prof had us write, from memory, a paragraph for each of the 39 books of the OT for our final, including dates of when it was written, audience, etc. From memory. 39 paragraphs. My son, double majoring in math and stats, and planning on becoming an actuary, is in the National Honor Society, as are most of his former Lutheran grade school classmates.

George Will (I know not your favorite), Mollie Hemingway and Dana Perino typify many Lutherans for their scholarship, intellect, and achievement.

But when I watched Mark Taylor on The Jim Bakker Show this week, it gave me chills (Jim Bakker is from Kevin's hometown, Muskegon, so he grew up watching his rise to fame). I generally am very cautious when I hear about modern day "prophecy," and virtually never believe it. But when I heard Mr. Taylor on the second day, I just couldn't deny it any longer. I looked up his entire prophecy, and the comments:

"If that's God, why the cheesy rhymes and misspellings?" one person wrote.

Perhaps God is using those things. To blind the arrogant who don't want to believe that you are His Anointed.

I excelled in my Theology and Christian Doctrine classes in college, I even did better than the pre-sem guys (men who go on to the seminary to become pastors), and I quote the Bible more than most pastors, and I can guarantee you I've had more theology training than just about all evangelical pastors, unless they've been to seminary, so I thought, how can this be true? I was taught that the prophetic office ended with Jesus, but this Mark Taylor guy, what he's saying seems so true!

Yesterday, I googled something like, "Is prophecy still for today?" and got an interesting answer. I can't recall the website, but it said something to the effect that the OFFICE of prophet was closed, but that doesn't mean God can't still speak through someone, to say something prophetic from them.

All I know is that Kevin and I have learned MUCH since we ventured into working in TV years ago, about spiritual warfare, things my church NEVER taught me, that I wouldn't even have believed MONTHS ago about angels, for one. So I'm just being cautious and weighing everything against what I've learned about Scripture, which, thanks to my church's systematic theological training, I've studied the entire Bible in a rigorous setting, and get a sense when something doesn't ring true.

So, President Elect Trump, if you're reading this, I wanted you to know that it's not only evangelicals, but some of us who have had A LOT of theology training, that are now having our eyes opened. And I just can't help but believe that you are God's anointed and that you will become America's greatest president:

1. Because George Will is wrong--you don't have an "inordinate need for approval." Rather, your DESIRE for approval will spur you to greater achievement, because you want people to love you.

2. You CLEARLY love people deeply, like that Pastor Daryl Scott from Cleveland said. Anyone with a bit of insight can see that you are not arrogant like the media portrays. So, your love for people in general will spur you to do whatever you can to make a win-win for all involved.

3. My former karate instructor, in the hall of fame before Chuck Norris, said bullies don't pick on people who fight back. China's not gonna' care that you spoke to Taiwan. Pakistan knows you'll "bomb 'em back to the stone age" if you have to. And Putin respects a REAL man. No one's gonna' mess with you because they know you're not fooling around.

4. And dear Ronnie, God rest his soul, who we all loved, was a great president, but he was an actor, not a business-man who knows how to get things done. So, you will be an even greater president than he.

All of your personal qualities show that you've been readied "for such a time as this." And with the great men of God that are close to you, they will be trustworthy servants to you and your family.

I am praying for the entire Trump family. As Lori Bakker said the other day, "Watch Eric Trump. You can really see God working in him." I've noticed it, too, in his public appearances, and am praying for your sons. They are great men, too.

Another New Yorker that would be an inspiration is John Ramirez, who was just voted one of the most influential Christians. Since you said on that recent interview, where the guy came into your home, that you originally wanted to make movies, John Ramirez has actually turned down several movie deals for his life story, he's that sincere in wanting it to be the right one, from God. 

Like you, he is a very public target, and also fearless. Please don't fear those vile tweets. As Mr. Ramirez says, no death threats can touch him, because GOD is on his side. So, if you ever become afraid, his story will remind you that God is on your side, too, and will let nothing come near you:

"When they went from one nation to another,
From one kingdom to another people,
14 He permitted no one to do them wrong;
Yes, He rebuked kings for their sakes,

Saying, 'Do not touch My anointed ones,'"


- Psalm 105:13-15a

Your servant In Christ Jesus,
Kristen Collier

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